Integrated Program For Two Year [ipty 2025-2027]

Eligibility : Xth passed

Course Duration : April 2025-May 2027

Batch Option : Weekend

  • Saturday and Sunday from 8.00 am to 5.15 pm.
  • Short test of any one subject and result is displayed next day.

Highlights of the Course

  • One and a half hour duration class.
  • Systematic and planned teaching.
  • One long test RTS (Revision Test Series) per month is conducted for 3 hours duration.
  • Monthly report card is sent to the parent's mail id.
  • Extra classes can be scheduled in summer and winter vacations.

Course is completed mainly in 2 phases

  • Learning phase: Regular classes towards syllabus completion (supplemented with regular tests).
  • Examination phase: Practice of writing 3 hour tests during Grand Test Series.

Books Highlights

  • Simple and descriptive books in each subject.
  • Latest question bank prepared by our highly educated and experienced faculty.


Total course amount 2,97,000/- (excluding GST)
1st installment 89,100/-
GST @18% 16,030/-
Total 1,05,130/-
2nd installment due date (07/10/2025) 59,400/-
GST @18% 10,700/-
Total 70,100/-
3rd installment due date (07/03/2026) 89,100/-
GST @18% 16,030/-
Total 1,05,130/-
4th installment due date (07/07/2026) 59,400/-
GST @18% 10,700/-
Total 70,100/-

Registration (prior to admission) can be done by paying Rs. 10,000.00 which will be adjusted in total fee at the time of admission.

Hostel, Transport facilities are also available.


Scholarship* Based on Admission-Cum-Scholarship Test (ACST)

Marks Rs.
80% and above 70,000.00
75%-79.99% 65,000.00
70%-74.99% 60,000.00
65%-69.99% 55,000.00
60%-64.99% 50,000.00
55%-59.99% 45,000.00
50%-54.99% 40,000.00
45%-49.99% 35,000.00
40%-44.99% 30,000.00


Student of class XI (appearing) can appear for admission through Admission - Cum - Scholarship Test. ACST shall be held as per the schedule announced by the institute.

Instructions to be followed at the time of enrollment

  1. Fill the admission form carefully and completely.
  2. Read the terms and conditions written at the back of the admission form carefully before signing the admission form.
  3. Each student is required to submit three recent passport size colour photographs, photocopy of X/XII board mark sheet/proof of qualifying the preliminary exam along with duly filled form at the time of registration/or admission.
  4. Parents must write e-mail id in the admission form.
  5. Mobile number of any one parent must be mentioned in the form.


Admission-Cum-Scholarship Test is conducted for admission as well as for scholarship to be awarded to the students.


  • Science and Mathematics (Xth class syllabus)
  • Total number of Questions: 100
  • Total time: 1½ Hours
  • Types of Questions: All objective questions
  • Marking Scheme: No negative marking

Results Declaration : Result will be declared online at our website on next day.

Admission-Cum-Scholarship Test Fee : The Admission-Cum-Scholarship Test fee is Rs. 500/- non-refundable. This amount can be paid by Cash/DD in favour of DD Target PMT Pvt. Ltd payable at New Delhi. Scholarship test fee will be adjusted if the student enrolls himself/herself in the institute.

Admission Form

Please click here to download the admission form.

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